Einen Moment, bitte | A dance improvisation solo for everyone aged 3 and above

Einen Moment, bitte | A dance improvisation solo for everyone aged 3 and above

The small, inconspicuous moments of everyday life, which we often overlook, which merge seamlessly into one another and which we sometimes stumble over, hold many surprises! What is there to discover when we scrutinize a moment, stretching, elongating and inflating time?

With Einen Moment, bitte dancer Caroline Simon invites everyone aged 3 and up to immerse themselves in a world full of fantasy, poetry and humor, where everything is possible and nothing is compulsory. Every performance is different, just like every moment…


Unfortunately cancelled due to injury!




Photo: © Michael Zerban

Billy | Felix Marchand

Billy | Felix Marchand

At first there is just a wall of shelves, they are white, stable and tidy. But what happens when Felix, the dancer, meets Billy, the shelf? Billy is stiff, strong, heavy and seemingly unconquerable. Felix is an equal opponent who refuses to be defeated: He lifts the shelves, he dismantles them, climbs over them and transforms the white all-rounders into a thousand other things they could be.

He climbs through the shelves into another world. He builds what he needs and embarks on an adventurous journey to a dreamland that looks suspiciously like the Wild West. He lets his imagination take over – not only his own, but also the imagination inherent in the object.

Handling the shelves opens up possibilities for movement, which Felix curiously follows to see where they lead. The imagination of the young audience also plays a decisive role.


Choreography/Performance/Dance: Felix Marchand

Stage: Giulia Paolucci

Consultation: Martin Nachbar

Lighting: Martin Pilz




Fri, 21.02.25 | 19 pm



Children: 5 euros

Adults: Sliding scale: 10 – 20 euros

Reservations: karten@ehrenfeldstudios.de


Barrier-free access. Accompanying persons receive free admission.


Photo: © René Löffler

Ausverkauf – alles muss raus | OLDSCHOOL

Ausverkauf – alles muss raus | OLDSCHOOL

A cooperation with Schauspiel Köln.

Acquiring, storing, dissolving. Our possessions are constantly changing, growing in all directions, revealing ever new holes of non-ownership and encircling us. Property spreads to the furthest corners, family treasures are guarded closely or finally auctioned off, fought-over square metres expand and reduce our living space.

The OLDSCHOOL takes stock. What do I have, what do I need? What do I want to let go of? Where does the lifelong drive to multiply take us, and are there alternatives?

In a performative happening, the experienced ensemble takes stock of their belongings and invites us to an encounter between claims to property, bequests and old age. After the inter-generational production ERSTMAL FÜR IMMER and the guest performance project TEMPTATION, the OLD SCHOOL enters new territory and performs AUSVERKAUFT at various locations in the city.


Barrier-free access. Accompanying persons receive free admission.



Direction: David Vogel
Choreography: Nina Mackenthun
Stage design: Anna Lachnit
Costumes: Wiebke Barbara
Outer eye: Jan Stephan Schmieding
Assistant: Catherine Collin
Technique: Antonie Biermann



Fri, 14.03.25 | 8 pm
Sat, 15.03.25 | 8 pm

Tickets for both dates are sold out.


Sliding Scale 10 – 20 Euro
Reservations at: karten@ehrenfeldstudios.de


Photo: Matthis Volkmar

LET GROW!  | Caroline Simon

LET GROW! | Caroline Simon

How much is created from how little? In this dance improvisation workshop, we play with everything that our own movement has to offer in terms of compositional possibilities, variations, associations and new things. Everyone from 15 to 99 years old who likes to explore their own movement alone or together and has fun trying things out and playing is welcome.


Barrierefreier Zugang. Begleitpersonen erhalten freien Eintritt.



Fri, 21.03.25 | 6 – 9 pm



Participation fee: 65 €  – 150 € nota (no one turned away)

No one will be excluded from participation for financial reasons.

Registration & info: vermittlung@resistdance.de


Photo: Sabine Große-Wortmann

Flugmodus | by Ido Grinberg

Flugmodus | by Ido Grinberg

A multimedia and multi-sensory performance for a human dancer and 8 touchscreens.
The dancer enters a virtual wonderland through the screen, which takes him on a journey around the world. He explores different countries, cultures, music and dance styles. In FLUGMODUS, the screen rhythms become digital co-dancers, forming a touchscreen choir.


Barrier-free entrance. Accompanying persons receive free admission.



Choreography/Performance/Dance: Ido Grinberg
Lighting design: Garlef Keßler



Sat, 22.03.25 | 4 pm


School performances

Mi, 19.03.25 | 14 Uhr

Do, 20.03.25 | 10 Uhr



Children: 5 euros
Adults: Sliding scale: 10 – 20 euros

Reservations at: karten@ehrenfeldstudios.de


Photo: Oliver Strömer