January 29 & 30 2022 I 4pm

January 31 & February 1 2022 I 10am

at the ehrenfeldstudios, Cologne

For people with visual impairments, we offer a touch tour on stage half an hour before the performance. Please register for this with us in advance.

Barking and singing, fur-covered stones and furry flowers, here a breeze blows, a smell comes from there – in Karla’s, Ändi’s and Arthur’s world there is much to see, hear and feel – each of the three does this in his/her own way: Karla sees with her knee, Ändi preferably with her nose. Arthur prefers to look good. Besides, Karla is older than Ändi and Arthur, Ändi has four legs instead of two, and Arthur is the only one with dark hair. On the other hand, Ändi can drum with his tail, Karla knows how to dress, and Arthur knows how to move. In this world dogs and humans are equal: no matter wether they are quadrupeds or bipeds, old or young, fury or not – cuddling, kissing, chatting, rubbing, dancing or looking at the stars is most beautiful in a when done with the three of them.

Choreographer Barbara Fuchs, composer Jörg Ritzenhoff and the dancer Arthur Schopa have let Karla Faßbender and her guide dog Ändi show them a new world. It is not the world as we know it through which Ändi leads Karla, but a realm in which all of the senses are equal. Follow, Karla, Ändi and Arthur into this unique world.




Idea, artistic direction: Barbara Fuchs

Music: Jörg Ritzenhoff

Performance and choreography: Karla Faßbender, Ändi, Arthur Schopa

Lighting: Wolfgang Pütz

Stage: Odile Foehl

Costumes: Stefanie Bold

Production: Vivica Bocks

Mediation: Alina Feske

Press work: Kerstin Rosemann

Photos: Sabine Grosse-Wortmann





 tanzfuchs PRODUKTION